Чешуйчатогрудый лорикет. Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus = Чешуйчатогрудый лорикет. Златобокий фиговый попугайчик. Opopsitta diophthalma = Златобокий фиговый попугайчик. Щёткоязычные попугаи, лори, лориевые. Подсемейство: Trichoglossinae = Щёткоязычные попугаи, лори. Попугаи, попугаеобразные: Psittaci, Psittaciformes = Попугаи, попугаеоб

9870 St Vincent Place, Glasgow, DC 45 Fr 45.

+1 800 559 6580

Вид: Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus = Чешуйчатогрудый лорикет


Вид: Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus = Чешуйчатогрудый лорикет

Читать дополнительно: Подсемейство: Trichoglossinae = Щёткоязычные попугаи, лори


These gregarious, brilliantly coloured, and vocal parrots from north-eastern and eastern Australia, range from Cooktown QLD, south, through to Sydney. This pretty Lorikeet inhabits most types of country, including parks and gardens, wherever there are suitable food trees. Prefering eucalypt and open forest, they feed on pollen, nectar, blossoms, berries, and other fruit and seeds.

Their natural breeding season is from June to February, and the site chosen is a hole, often very high up in a tree. Both birds prepare their nesting hollow, nibbling away the decayed wood until the cavity is of a suitable size. 2 - 3 white eggs are laid and incubated by the female for about 25 days.

Фото Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus = Чешуйчатогрудый лорикет

These common visitors to our gardens illustrate only too well the danger of feeding native wildlife.

Well meaning people have for years, fed these pretty birds, on a diet of nothing more than sugar and water. This deficient diet can result in bone deformities, and a complete loss of feathers. With no feathers, the bird, no longer able to fly, can only run around on the ground. This all too common condition, (in which inadequate diet plays a major part) sees many birds come into care. It is called "Runner Disease" Please do not feed these birds. If you must, then please feed them a properly formulated diet such as Wombaroo Lorikeet & Honeyeater Mix.

Род: Trichoglossus